Ready candidates with relevant experiences and qualifications
This program allows a businesses to engage a GTNT Group Apprentice through a rotation placement to ensure they gain exposure to all facets of their qualification. Under this program, GTNT Group will remain the legal employer of the apprentice, while the Host Business will cover the standard 38 hour per week of wages for the apprentice.
Our services includes
Management & Mentoring support
You will be assigned a designated GTNT Group Employment Specialist who will support both the apprentice and supervisor along with manage and mentor the apprentice. They will provide:
- Monthly visits to your workplace
- Additional visits as required to deal with priority workplace related issues
- Administration of all of the training contract paperwork
- Monitoring the quality of training provided by the selected RTO
- Work Health & Safety (WHS) training for all Apprentices
Payroll & Administration
The host business is responsible for wages for standard 38 hours per week, with any additional hours worked by the apprentice (overtime) will be payable by the rotational host.
Our experienced payroll and administration team will provide the following services:
- Weekly payroll on submissions of time sheets
- Superannuation, including information about superannuation options and contribution
- Manage changes to industrial instruments including Fair Pay Commission increases
- Customised payroll reporting by negotiation
- Management of workers compensations, including return to work plans
- Arrangement of travel and accommodation if required to attend off the job training